Struct palette::luma::Luma[][src]

pub struct Luma<S = Srgb, T = f32> where
    T: Component,
    S: LumaStandard
{ pub luma: T, pub standard: PhantomData<S>, }


Luma is a purely gray scale color space, which is included more for completeness than anything else, and represents how bright a color is perceived to be. It’s basically the Y component of CIE XYZ. The lack of any form of hue representation limits the set of operations that can be performed on it.


luma: T

The lightness of the color. 0.0 is black and 1.0 is white.

standard: PhantomData<S>

The kind of RGB standard. sRGB is the default.


impl<S, T> Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component,
    S: LumaStandard

pub fn new(luma: T) -> Luma<S, T>[src]

Create a luminance color.

pub fn into_format<U>(self) -> Luma<S, U> where
    U: Component + FromComponent<T>, 

Convert into another component type.

pub fn from_format<U>(color: Luma<S, U>) -> Self where
    U: Component,
    T: FromComponent<U>, 

Convert from another component type.

pub fn into_components(self) -> (T,)[src]

Convert to a (luma,) tuple.

pub fn from_components((luma): (T,)) -> Self[src]

Convert from a (luma,) tuple.

pub fn min_luma() -> T[src]

Return the luma value minimum.

pub fn max_luma() -> T[src]

Return the luma value maximum.

impl<S, T> Luma<S, T> where
    T: FloatComponent,
    S: LumaStandard

pub fn into_linear(self) -> Luma<Linear<S::WhitePoint>, T>[src]

Convert the color to linear luminance.

pub fn from_linear(color: Luma<Linear<S::WhitePoint>, T>) -> Luma<S, T>[src]

Convert linear luminance to nonlinear luminance.

pub fn into_encoding<St: LumaStandard<WhitePoint = S::WhitePoint>>(
) -> Luma<St, T>

Convert the color to a different encoding.

pub fn from_encoding<St: LumaStandard<WhitePoint = S::WhitePoint>>(
    color: Luma<St, T>
) -> Luma<S, T>

Convert luminance from a different encoding.

Trait Implementations

impl<S, T> AbsDiffEq<Luma<S, T>> for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component + AbsDiffEq,
    T::Epsilon: Copy,
    S: LumaStandard + PartialEq

type Epsilon = T::Epsilon

Used for specifying relative comparisons.

impl<S, T> Add<Luma<S, T>> for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component + Add,
    S: LumaStandard<TransferFn = LinearFn>,
    <T as Add>::Output: Component

type Output = Luma<S, <T as Add>::Output>

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

impl<S, T> Add<T> for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component + Add,
    S: LumaStandard<TransferFn = LinearFn>,
    <T as Add>::Output: Component

type Output = Luma<S, <T as Add>::Output>

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

impl<S, T> AddAssign<Luma<S, T>> for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component + AddAssign,
    S: LumaStandard<TransferFn = LinearFn>, 

impl<S, T> AddAssign<T> for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component + AddAssign,
    S: LumaStandard<TransferFn = LinearFn>, 

impl<S, T, P: ?Sized> AsMut<P> for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component,
    S: LumaStandard,
    P: RawPixel<T>, 

fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut P[src]

Convert to a raw pixel format.

use palette::SrgbLuma;

let mut luma = SrgbLuma::new(100);
    let raw: &mut [u8] = luma.as_mut();
    raw[0] = 5;

assert_eq!(luma.luma, 5);

impl<S, T, P: ?Sized> AsRef<P> for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component,
    S: LumaStandard,
    P: RawPixel<T>, 

fn as_ref(&self) -> &P[src]

Convert to a raw pixel format.

use palette::SrgbLuma;

let luma = SrgbLuma::new(100);
let raw: &[u8] = luma.as_ref();

assert_eq!(raw[0], 100);

impl<S, T> Blend for Luma<S, T> where
    T: FloatComponent,
    S: LumaStandard<TransferFn = LinearFn>, 

type Color = Luma<S, T>

The core color type. Typically Self for color types without alpha.

impl<S, T> Clamp for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component,
    S: LumaStandard

impl<S, T> Clone for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component,
    S: LumaStandard

impl<S, T> ComponentWise for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component,
    S: LumaStandard

type Scalar = T

The scalar type for color components.

impl<S: Debug, T: Debug> Debug for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component,
    S: LumaStandard

impl<S, T> Default for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component,
    S: LumaStandard

impl<S, T> Div<Luma<S, T>> for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component + Div,
    S: LumaStandard<TransferFn = LinearFn>,
    <T as Div>::Output: Component

type Output = Luma<S, <T as Div>::Output>

The resulting type after applying the / operator.

impl<S, T> Div<T> for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component + Div,
    S: LumaStandard<TransferFn = LinearFn>,
    <T as Div>::Output: Component

type Output = Luma<S, <T as Div>::Output>

The resulting type after applying the / operator.

impl<S, T> DivAssign<Luma<S, T>> for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component + DivAssign,
    S: LumaStandard<TransferFn = LinearFn>, 

impl<S, T> DivAssign<T> for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component + DivAssign,
    S: LumaStandard<TransferFn = LinearFn>, 

impl<S: LumaStandard, T: Component> From<(T,)> for Luma<S, T>[src]

impl<S, T, _C, _A> FromColorUnclamped<Alpha<_C, _A>> for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component,
    S: LumaStandard,
    T: FloatComponent,
    _C: IntoColorUnclamped<Self>,
    _A: Component

impl<S, T, _S> FromColorUnclamped<Hsl<_S, T>> for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component,
    S: LumaStandard,
    T: FloatComponent,
    T: FloatComponent,
    _S: RgbStandard,
    _S::Space: RgbSpace<WhitePoint = S::WhitePoint>, 

impl<S, T> FromColorUnclamped<Hsluv<<S as LumaStandard>::WhitePoint, T>> for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component,
    S: LumaStandard,
    T: FloatComponent,
    T: FloatComponent

impl<S, T, _S> FromColorUnclamped<Hsv<_S, T>> for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component,
    S: LumaStandard,
    T: FloatComponent,
    T: FloatComponent,
    _S: RgbStandard,
    _S::Space: RgbSpace<WhitePoint = S::WhitePoint>, 

impl<S, T, _S> FromColorUnclamped<Hwb<_S, T>> for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component,
    S: LumaStandard,
    T: FloatComponent,
    T: FloatComponent,
    _S: RgbStandard,
    _S::Space: RgbSpace<WhitePoint = S::WhitePoint>, 

impl<S, T> FromColorUnclamped<Lab<<S as LumaStandard>::WhitePoint, T>> for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component,
    S: LumaStandard,
    T: FloatComponent,
    T: FloatComponent

impl<S, T> FromColorUnclamped<Lch<<S as LumaStandard>::WhitePoint, T>> for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component,
    S: LumaStandard,
    T: FloatComponent,
    T: FloatComponent

impl<S, T> FromColorUnclamped<Lchuv<<S as LumaStandard>::WhitePoint, T>> for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component,
    S: LumaStandard,
    T: FloatComponent,
    T: FloatComponent

impl<Wp, T, S> FromColorUnclamped<Luma<S, T>> for Xyz<Wp, T> where
    T: FloatComponent,
    Wp: WhitePoint,
    S: LumaStandard<WhitePoint = Wp>, 

impl<T, S> FromColorUnclamped<Luma<S, T>> for Yxy<S::WhitePoint, T> where
    T: FloatComponent,
    S: LumaStandard

impl<S1, S2, T> FromColorUnclamped<Luma<S2, T>> for Luma<S1, T> where
    S1: LumaStandard,
    S2: LumaStandard<WhitePoint = S1::WhitePoint>,
    T: FloatComponent

impl<S, St, T> FromColorUnclamped<Luma<St, T>> for Rgb<S, T> where
    S: RgbStandard,
    St: LumaStandard<WhitePoint = <S::Space as RgbSpace>::WhitePoint>,
    T: FloatComponent

impl<S, T, _S> FromColorUnclamped<Luma<_S, T>> for Hsl<S, T> where
    T: FloatComponent,
    S: RgbStandard,
    T: FloatComponent,
    T: FloatComponent,
    _S: LumaStandard<WhitePoint = <S::Space as RgbSpace>::WhitePoint>, 

impl<Wp, T, _S> FromColorUnclamped<Luma<_S, T>> for Hsluv<Wp, T> where
    T: FloatComponent,
    Wp: WhitePoint,
    T: FloatComponent,
    Wp: WhitePoint,
    T: FloatComponent,
    _S: LumaStandard<WhitePoint = Wp>, 

impl<S, T, _S> FromColorUnclamped<Luma<_S, T>> for Hsv<S, T> where
    T: FloatComponent,
    S: RgbStandard,
    T: FloatComponent,
    T: FloatComponent,
    _S: LumaStandard<WhitePoint = <S::Space as RgbSpace>::WhitePoint>, 

impl<S, T, _S> FromColorUnclamped<Luma<_S, T>> for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: FloatComponent,
    S: RgbStandard,
    T: FloatComponent,
    T: FloatComponent,
    _S: LumaStandard<WhitePoint = <S::Space as RgbSpace>::WhitePoint>, 

impl<Wp, T, _S> FromColorUnclamped<Luma<_S, T>> for Lab<Wp, T> where
    T: FloatComponent,
    Wp: WhitePoint,
    T: FloatComponent,
    Wp: WhitePoint,
    T: FloatComponent,
    _S: LumaStandard<WhitePoint = Wp>, 

impl<Wp, T, _S> FromColorUnclamped<Luma<_S, T>> for Lch<Wp, T> where
    T: FloatComponent,
    Wp: WhitePoint,
    T: FloatComponent,
    Wp: WhitePoint,
    T: FloatComponent,
    _S: LumaStandard<WhitePoint = Wp>, 

impl<Wp, T, _S> FromColorUnclamped<Luma<_S, T>> for Lchuv<Wp, T> where
    T: FloatComponent,
    Wp: WhitePoint,
    T: FloatComponent,
    Wp: WhitePoint,
    T: FloatComponent,
    _S: LumaStandard<WhitePoint = Wp>, 

impl<Wp, T, _S> FromColorUnclamped<Luma<_S, T>> for Luv<Wp, T> where
    T: FloatComponent,
    Wp: WhitePoint,
    T: FloatComponent,
    Wp: WhitePoint,
    T: FloatComponent,
    _S: LumaStandard<WhitePoint = Wp>, 

impl<S, T> FromColorUnclamped<Luv<<S as LumaStandard>::WhitePoint, T>> for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component,
    S: LumaStandard,
    T: FloatComponent,
    T: FloatComponent

impl<S, T, _S> FromColorUnclamped<Rgb<_S, T>> for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component,
    S: LumaStandard,
    T: FloatComponent,
    T: FloatComponent,
    _S: RgbStandard,
    _S::Space: RgbSpace<WhitePoint = S::WhitePoint>, 

impl<S, T> FromColorUnclamped<Xyz<<S as LumaStandard>::WhitePoint, T>> for Luma<S, T> where
    S: LumaStandard,
    T: FloatComponent

impl<S, T> FromColorUnclamped<Yxy<<S as LumaStandard>::WhitePoint, T>> for Luma<S, T> where
    S: LumaStandard,
    T: FloatComponent

impl<S: LumaStandard, T: Component> Into<(T,)> for Luma<S, T>[src]

impl<S, T> LowerHex for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component + LowerHex,
    S: LumaStandard

impl<S, T> Mix for Luma<S, T> where
    T: FloatComponent,
    S: LumaStandard<TransferFn = LinearFn>, 

type Scalar = T

The type of the mixing factor.

impl<S, T> Mul<Luma<S, T>> for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component + Mul,
    S: LumaStandard<TransferFn = LinearFn>,
    <T as Mul>::Output: Component

type Output = Luma<S, <T as Mul>::Output>

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

impl<S, T> Mul<T> for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component + Mul,
    S: LumaStandard<TransferFn = LinearFn>,
    <T as Mul>::Output: Component

type Output = Luma<S, <T as Mul>::Output>

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

impl<S, T> MulAssign<Luma<S, T>> for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component + MulAssign,
    S: LumaStandard<TransferFn = LinearFn>, 

impl<S, T> MulAssign<T> for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component + MulAssign,
    S: LumaStandard<TransferFn = LinearFn>, 

impl<S, T> PartialEq<Luma<S, T>> for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component + PartialEq,
    S: LumaStandard

impl<S, T> Pixel<T> for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component,
    S: LumaStandard

impl<S, T> RelativeContrast for Luma<S, T> where
    T: FloatComponent,
    S: LumaStandard

type Scalar = T

The type of the contrast ratio.

impl<S, T> RelativeEq<Luma<S, T>> for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component + RelativeEq,
    T::Epsilon: Copy,
    S: LumaStandard + PartialEq

impl<S, T> Shade for Luma<S, T> where
    T: FloatComponent,
    S: LumaStandard<TransferFn = LinearFn>, 

type Scalar = T

The type of the lighten/darken modifier.

impl<S, T> Sub<Luma<S, T>> for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component + Sub,
    S: LumaStandard<TransferFn = LinearFn>,
    <T as Sub>::Output: Component

type Output = Luma<S, <T as Sub>::Output>

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

impl<S, T> Sub<T> for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component + Sub,
    S: LumaStandard<TransferFn = LinearFn>,
    <T as Sub>::Output: Component

type Output = Luma<S, <T as Sub>::Output>

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

impl<S, T> SubAssign<Luma<S, T>> for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component + SubAssign,
    S: LumaStandard<TransferFn = LinearFn>, 

impl<S, T> SubAssign<T> for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component + SubAssign,
    S: LumaStandard<TransferFn = LinearFn>, 

impl<S, T> UlpsEq<Luma<S, T>> for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component + UlpsEq,
    T::Epsilon: Copy,
    S: LumaStandard + PartialEq

impl<S, T> UpperHex for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component + UpperHex,
    S: LumaStandard

impl<S, T, _A> WithAlpha<_A> for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component,
    S: LumaStandard,
    _A: Component

type Color = Self

The opaque color type, without any transparency. Read more

type WithAlpha = Alpha<Self, _A>

The color type with transparency applied. Read more

impl<S, T> Copy for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component,
    S: LumaStandard

impl<S, T> Eq for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component + Eq,
    S: LumaStandard

Auto Trait Implementations

impl<S, T> RefUnwindSafe for Luma<S, T> where
    S: RefUnwindSafe,
    T: RefUnwindSafe

impl<S, T> Send for Luma<S, T> where
    S: Send,
    T: Send

impl<S, T> Sync for Luma<S, T> where
    S: Sync,
    T: Sync

impl<S, T> Unpin for Luma<S, T> where
    S: Unpin,
    T: Unpin

impl<S, T> UnwindSafe for Luma<S, T> where
    S: UnwindSafe,
    T: UnwindSafe

Blanket Implementations

impl<S, D, Swp, Dwp, T> AdaptFrom<S, Swp, Dwp, T> for D where
    T: FloatComponent,
    S: IntoColorUnclamped<Xyz<Swp, T>>,
    Swp: WhitePoint,
    Dwp: WhitePoint,
    D: FromColorUnclamped<Xyz<Dwp, T>>, 

impl<S, D, Swp, Dwp, T> AdaptInto<D, Swp, Dwp, T> for S where
    T: FloatComponent,
    Swp: WhitePoint,
    Dwp: WhitePoint,
    D: AdaptFrom<S, Swp, Dwp, T>, 

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> FromColor<T> for U where
    U: FromColorUnclamped<T> + Clamp

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T, U> IntoColor<U> for T where
    U: FromColor<T>, 

impl<T, U> IntoColorUnclamped<U> for T where
    U: FromColorUnclamped<T>, 

impl<T> ToOwned for T where
    T: Clone

type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryFromColor<T> for U where
    U: FromColorUnclamped<T> + Clamp

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryIntoColor<U> for T where
    U: TryFromColor<T>, 