Struct palette::rgb::Rgb[][src]

pub struct Rgb<S: RgbStandard = Srgb, T: Component = f32> { pub red: T, pub green: T, pub blue: T, pub standard: PhantomData<S>, }

Generic RGB.

RGB is probably the most common color space, when it comes to computer graphics, and it’s defined as an additive mixture of red, green and blue light, where gray scale colors are created when these three channels are equal in strength.

Many conversions and operations on this color space requires that it’s linear, meaning that gamma correction is required when converting to and from a displayable RGB, such as sRGB. See the pixel module for encoding formats.


red: T

The amount of red light, where 0.0 is no red light and 1.0f (or 255u8) is the highest displayable amount.

green: T

The amount of green light, where 0.0 is no green light and 1.0f (or 255u8) is the highest displayable amount.

blue: T

The amount of blue light, where 0.0 is no blue light and 1.0f (or 255u8) is the highest displayable amount.

standard: PhantomData<S>

The kind of RGB standard. sRGB is the default.


impl<S: RgbStandard, T: Component> Rgb<S, T>[src]

pub fn new(red: T, green: T, blue: T) -> Rgb<S, T>[src]

Create an RGB color.

pub fn into_format<U>(self) -> Rgb<S, U> where
    U: Component + FromComponent<T>, 

Convert into another component type.

pub fn from_format<U>(color: Rgb<S, U>) -> Self where
    T: FromComponent<U>,
    U: Component

Convert from another component type.

pub fn into_components(self) -> (T, T, T)[src]

Convert to a (red, green, blue) tuple.

pub fn from_components((red, green, blue): (T, T, T)) -> Self[src]

Convert from a (red, green, blue) tuple.

pub fn min_red() -> T[src]

Return the red value minimum.

pub fn max_red() -> T[src]

Return the red value maximum.

pub fn min_green() -> T[src]

Return the green value minimum.

pub fn max_green() -> T[src]

Return the green value maximum.

pub fn min_blue() -> T[src]

Return the blue value minimum.

pub fn max_blue() -> T[src]

Return the blue value maximum.

impl<S: RgbStandard> Rgb<S, u8>[src]

Convenience functions to convert between a packed u32 and Rgb.

use palette::Srgb;

let rgb = Srgb::from(0x607F00);
assert_eq!(Srgb::new(96u8, 127, 0), rgb);

let integer = u32::from(rgb);
assert_eq!(0xFF607F00, integer);

pub fn into_u32<C: RgbChannels>(self) -> u32[src]

Convert to a packed u32 with with specifiable component order. Defaults to ARGB ordering (0xAARRGGBB).

See Packed for more details.

pub fn from_u32<C: RgbChannels>(color: u32) -> Self[src]

Convert from a packed u32 with specifiable component order. Defaults to ARGB ordering (0xAARRGGBB).

See Packed for more details.

impl<S: RgbStandard, T: FloatComponent> Rgb<S, T>[src]

pub fn into_linear(self) -> Rgb<Linear<S::Space>, T>[src]

Convert the color to linear RGB.

pub fn from_linear(color: Rgb<Linear<S::Space>, T>) -> Rgb<S, T>[src]

Convert linear RGB to nonlinear RGB.

pub fn into_encoding<St: RgbStandard<Space = S::Space>>(self) -> Rgb<St, T>[src]

Convert the color to a different encoding.

pub fn from_encoding<St: RgbStandard<Space = S::Space>>(
    color: Rgb<St, T>
) -> Rgb<S, T>

Convert RGB from a different encoding.

Trait Implementations

impl<S, T> AbsDiffEq<Rgb<S, T>> for Rgb<S, T> where
    T: Component + AbsDiffEq,
    T::Epsilon: Copy,
    S: RgbStandard + PartialEq

type Epsilon = T::Epsilon

Used for specifying relative comparisons.

impl<S, T> Add<Rgb<S, T>> for Rgb<S, T> where
    S: RgbStandard<TransferFn = LinearFn>,
    T: Component + Add,
    <T as Add>::Output: Component

type Output = Rgb<S, <T as Add>::Output>

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

impl<S, T> Add<T> for Rgb<S, T> where
    S: RgbStandard<TransferFn = LinearFn>,
    T: Component + Add,
    <T as Add>::Output: Component

type Output = Rgb<S, <T as Add>::Output>

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

impl<S, T> AddAssign<Rgb<S, T>> for Rgb<S, T> where
    S: RgbStandard<TransferFn = LinearFn>,
    T: Component + AddAssign

impl<S, T> AddAssign<T> for Rgb<S, T> where
    S: RgbStandard<TransferFn = LinearFn>,
    T: Component + AddAssign

impl<S, T, P: ?Sized> AsMut<P> for Rgb<S, T> where
    T: Component,
    S: RgbStandard,
    P: RawPixel<T>, 

fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut P[src]

Convert to a raw pixel format.

use palette::Srgb;

let mut rgb = Srgb::new(38, 42, 19);
    let raw: &mut [u8] = rgb.as_mut();
    raw[1] = 5;

assert_eq!(, 5);

impl<S, T, P: ?Sized> AsRef<P> for Rgb<S, T> where
    T: Component,
    S: RgbStandard,
    P: RawPixel<T>, 

fn as_ref(&self) -> &P[src]

Convert to a raw pixel format.

use palette::Srgb;

let mut rgb = Srgb::new(38, 42, 19);
let raw: &[u8] = rgb.as_ref();

assert_eq!(raw[1], 42);

impl<S, T> Blend for Rgb<S, T> where
    S: RgbStandard<TransferFn = LinearFn>,
    T: FloatComponent

type Color = Rgb<S, T>

The core color type. Typically Self for color types without alpha.

impl<S, T> Clamp for Rgb<S, T> where
    S: RgbStandard,
    T: Component

impl<S: RgbStandard, T: Component> Clone for Rgb<S, T>[src]

impl<S, T> ComponentWise for Rgb<S, T> where
    S: RgbStandard,
    T: Component

type Scalar = T

The scalar type for color components.

impl<S: Debug + RgbStandard, T: Debug + Component> Debug for Rgb<S, T>[src]

impl<S, T> Default for Rgb<S, T> where
    T: Component,
    S: RgbStandard

impl<S, T> Div<Rgb<S, T>> for Rgb<S, T> where
    S: RgbStandard<TransferFn = LinearFn>,
    T: Component + Div,
    <T as Div>::Output: Component

type Output = Rgb<S, <T as Div>::Output>

The resulting type after applying the / operator.

impl<S, T> Div<T> for Rgb<S, T> where
    S: RgbStandard<TransferFn = LinearFn>,
    T: Component + Div,
    <T as Div>::Output: Component

type Output = Rgb<S, <T as Div>::Output>

The resulting type after applying the / operator.

impl<S, T> DivAssign<Rgb<S, T>> for Rgb<S, T> where
    S: RgbStandard<TransferFn = LinearFn>,
    T: Component + DivAssign

impl<S, T> DivAssign<T> for Rgb<S, T> where
    S: RgbStandard<TransferFn = LinearFn>,
    T: Component + DivAssign

impl<S: RgbStandard, T: Component> From<(T, T, T)> for Rgb<S, T>[src]

impl<S, C> From<Packed<C>> for Rgb<S, u8> where
    S: RgbStandard,
    C: RgbChannels

impl<T, U> From<Rgb<Linear<Srgb>, T>> for Srgb<U> where
    T: FloatComponent,
    U: Component + FromComponent<T>, 

impl<T, U> From<Rgb<Linear<Srgb>, T>> for Srgba<U> where
    T: FloatComponent,
    U: Component + FromComponent<T>, 

impl<S: RgbStandard> From<Rgb<S, u8>> for u32[src]

impl<S, C> From<Rgb<S, u8>> for Packed<C> where
    S: RgbStandard,
    C: RgbChannels

impl<T, U> From<Rgb<Srgb, T>> for LinSrgb<U> where
    T: FloatComponent,
    U: Component + FromComponent<T>, 

impl<T, U> From<Rgb<Srgb, T>> for LinSrgba<U> where
    T: FloatComponent,
    U: Component + FromComponent<T>, 

impl<S: RgbStandard> From<u32> for Rgb<S, u8>[src]

impl<S: RgbStandard, T: Component, _C, _A> FromColorUnclamped<Alpha<_C, _A>> for Rgb<S, T> where
    T: FloatComponent,
    _C: IntoColorUnclamped<Self>,
    _A: Component

impl<S, T> FromColorUnclamped<Hsl<S, T>> for Rgb<S, T> where
    S: RgbStandard,
    T: FloatComponent

impl<S: RgbStandard, T: Component> FromColorUnclamped<Hsluv<<<S as RgbStandard>::Space as RgbSpace>::WhitePoint, T>> for Rgb<S, T> where
    T: FloatComponent,
    T: FloatComponent

impl<S, T> FromColorUnclamped<Hsv<S, T>> for Rgb<S, T> where
    S: RgbStandard,
    T: FloatComponent

impl<S: RgbStandard, T: Component> FromColorUnclamped<Hwb<S, T>> for Rgb<S, T> where
    T: FloatComponent,
    T: FloatComponent

impl<S: RgbStandard, T: Component> FromColorUnclamped<Lab<<<S as RgbStandard>::Space as RgbSpace>::WhitePoint, T>> for Rgb<S, T> where
    T: FloatComponent,
    T: FloatComponent

impl<S: RgbStandard, T: Component> FromColorUnclamped<Lch<<<S as RgbStandard>::Space as RgbSpace>::WhitePoint, T>> for Rgb<S, T> where
    T: FloatComponent,
    T: FloatComponent

impl<S: RgbStandard, T: Component> FromColorUnclamped<Lchuv<<<S as RgbStandard>::Space as RgbSpace>::WhitePoint, T>> for Rgb<S, T> where
    T: FloatComponent,
    T: FloatComponent

impl<S, St, T> FromColorUnclamped<Luma<St, T>> for Rgb<S, T> where
    S: RgbStandard,
    St: LumaStandard<WhitePoint = <S::Space as RgbSpace>::WhitePoint>,
    T: FloatComponent

impl<S: RgbStandard, T: Component> FromColorUnclamped<Luv<<<S as RgbStandard>::Space as RgbSpace>::WhitePoint, T>> for Rgb<S, T> where
    T: FloatComponent,
    T: FloatComponent

impl<S, T> FromColorUnclamped<Rgb<S, T>> for Hsl<S, T> where
    T: FloatComponent,
    S: RgbStandard

impl<S, T> FromColorUnclamped<Rgb<S, T>> for Hsv<S, T> where
    T: FloatComponent,
    S: RgbStandard

impl<S, T> FromColorUnclamped<Rgb<S, T>> for Hwb<S, T> where
    T: FloatComponent,
    S: RgbStandard,
    T: FloatComponent,
    T: FloatComponent

impl<Wp, T, S> FromColorUnclamped<Rgb<S, T>> for Xyz<Wp, T> where
    T: FloatComponent,
    Wp: WhitePoint,
    S: RgbStandard,
    S::Space: RgbSpace<WhitePoint = Wp>, 

impl<S1, S2, T> FromColorUnclamped<Rgb<S2, T>> for Rgb<S1, T> where
    S1: RgbStandard,
    S2: RgbStandard,
    S2::Space: RgbSpace<WhitePoint = <S1::Space as RgbSpace>::WhitePoint>,
    T: FloatComponent

impl<Wp, T, _S> FromColorUnclamped<Rgb<_S, T>> for Hsluv<Wp, T> where
    T: FloatComponent,
    Wp: WhitePoint,
    T: FloatComponent,
    Wp: WhitePoint,
    T: FloatComponent,
    _S: RgbStandard,
    _S::Space: RgbSpace<WhitePoint = Wp>, 

impl<Wp, T, _S> FromColorUnclamped<Rgb<_S, T>> for Lab<Wp, T> where
    T: FloatComponent,
    Wp: WhitePoint,
    T: FloatComponent,
    Wp: WhitePoint,
    T: FloatComponent,
    _S: RgbStandard,
    _S::Space: RgbSpace<WhitePoint = Wp>, 

impl<Wp, T, _S> FromColorUnclamped<Rgb<_S, T>> for Lch<Wp, T> where
    T: FloatComponent,
    Wp: WhitePoint,
    T: FloatComponent,
    Wp: WhitePoint,
    T: FloatComponent,
    _S: RgbStandard,
    _S::Space: RgbSpace<WhitePoint = Wp>, 

impl<Wp, T, _S> FromColorUnclamped<Rgb<_S, T>> for Lchuv<Wp, T> where
    T: FloatComponent,
    Wp: WhitePoint,
    T: FloatComponent,
    Wp: WhitePoint,
    T: FloatComponent,
    _S: RgbStandard,
    _S::Space: RgbSpace<WhitePoint = Wp>, 

impl<S, T, _S> FromColorUnclamped<Rgb<_S, T>> for Luma<S, T> where
    T: Component,
    S: LumaStandard,
    T: FloatComponent,
    T: FloatComponent,
    _S: RgbStandard,
    _S::Space: RgbSpace<WhitePoint = S::WhitePoint>, 

impl<Wp, T, _S> FromColorUnclamped<Rgb<_S, T>> for Luv<Wp, T> where
    T: FloatComponent,
    Wp: WhitePoint,
    T: FloatComponent,
    Wp: WhitePoint,
    T: FloatComponent,
    _S: RgbStandard,
    _S::Space: RgbSpace<WhitePoint = Wp>, 

impl<Wp, T, _S> FromColorUnclamped<Rgb<_S, T>> for Yxy<Wp, T> where
    T: FloatComponent,
    Wp: WhitePoint,
    T: FloatComponent,
    Wp: WhitePoint,
    T: FloatComponent,
    _S: RgbStandard,
    _S::Space: RgbSpace<WhitePoint = Wp>, 

impl<S, T> FromColorUnclamped<Xyz<<<S as RgbStandard>::Space as RgbSpace>::WhitePoint, T>> for Rgb<S, T> where
    S: RgbStandard,
    T: FloatComponent

impl<S: RgbStandard, T: Component> FromColorUnclamped<Yxy<<<S as RgbStandard>::Space as RgbSpace>::WhitePoint, T>> for Rgb<S, T> where
    T: FloatComponent,
    T: FloatComponent

impl<S: RgbStandard> FromStr for Rgb<S, u8>[src]

type Err = FromHexError

The associated error which can be returned from parsing.

impl<S, T> GetHue for Rgb<S, T> where
    S: RgbStandard<TransferFn = LinearFn>,
    T: FloatComponent

type Hue = RgbHue<T>

The kind of hue unit this color space uses. Read more

impl<S: RgbStandard, T: Component> Into<(T, T, T)> for Rgb<S, T>[src]

impl<S, T> LowerHex for Rgb<S, T> where
    T: Component + LowerHex,
    S: RgbStandard

impl<S, T> Mix for Rgb<S, T> where
    S: RgbStandard<TransferFn = LinearFn>,
    T: FloatComponent

type Scalar = T

The type of the mixing factor.

impl<S, T> Mul<Rgb<S, T>> for Rgb<S, T> where
    S: RgbStandard<TransferFn = LinearFn>,
    T: Component + Mul,
    <T as Mul>::Output: Component

type Output = Rgb<S, <T as Mul>::Output>

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

impl<S, T> Mul<T> for Rgb<S, T> where
    S: RgbStandard<TransferFn = LinearFn>,
    T: Component + Mul,
    <T as Mul>::Output: Component

type Output = Rgb<S, <T as Mul>::Output>

The resulting type after applying the * operator.

impl<S, T> MulAssign<Rgb<S, T>> for Rgb<S, T> where
    S: RgbStandard<TransferFn = LinearFn>,
    T: Component + MulAssign

impl<S, T> MulAssign<T> for Rgb<S, T> where
    S: RgbStandard<TransferFn = LinearFn>,
    T: Component + MulAssign

impl<S, T> PartialEq<Rgb<S, T>> for Rgb<S, T> where
    T: Component + PartialEq,
    S: RgbStandard

impl<S: RgbStandard, T: Component> Pixel<T> for Rgb<S, T>[src]

impl<S, T> RelativeContrast for Rgb<S, T> where
    T: FloatComponent,
    S: RgbStandard

type Scalar = T

The type of the contrast ratio.

impl<S, T> RelativeEq<Rgb<S, T>> for Rgb<S, T> where
    T: Component + RelativeEq,
    T::Epsilon: Copy,
    S: RgbStandard + PartialEq

impl<S, T> Shade for Rgb<S, T> where
    S: RgbStandard<TransferFn = LinearFn>,
    T: FloatComponent

type Scalar = T

The type of the lighten/darken modifier.

impl<S, T> Sub<Rgb<S, T>> for Rgb<S, T> where
    S: RgbStandard<TransferFn = LinearFn>,
    T: Component + Sub,
    <T as Sub>::Output: Component

type Output = Rgb<S, <T as Sub>::Output>

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

impl<S, T> Sub<T> for Rgb<S, T> where
    S: RgbStandard<TransferFn = LinearFn>,
    T: Component + Sub,
    <T as Sub>::Output: Component

type Output = Rgb<S, <T as Sub>::Output>

The resulting type after applying the - operator.

impl<S, T> SubAssign<Rgb<S, T>> for Rgb<S, T> where
    S: RgbStandard<TransferFn = LinearFn>,
    T: Component + SubAssign

impl<S, T> SubAssign<T> for Rgb<S, T> where
    S: RgbStandard<TransferFn = LinearFn>,
    T: Component + SubAssign

impl<S, T> UlpsEq<Rgb<S, T>> for Rgb<S, T> where
    T: Component + UlpsEq,
    T::Epsilon: Copy,
    S: RgbStandard + PartialEq

impl<S, T> UpperHex for Rgb<S, T> where
    T: Component + UpperHex,
    S: RgbStandard

impl<S: RgbStandard, T: Component, _A> WithAlpha<_A> for Rgb<S, T> where
    _A: Component

type Color = Self

The opaque color type, without any transparency. Read more

type WithAlpha = Alpha<Self, _A>

The color type with transparency applied. Read more

impl<S: RgbStandard, T: Component> Copy for Rgb<S, T>[src]

impl<S, T> Eq for Rgb<S, T> where
    T: Component + Eq,
    S: RgbStandard

Auto Trait Implementations

impl<S, T> RefUnwindSafe for Rgb<S, T> where
    S: RefUnwindSafe,
    T: RefUnwindSafe

impl<S, T> Send for Rgb<S, T> where
    S: Send,
    T: Send

impl<S, T> Sync for Rgb<S, T> where
    S: Sync,
    T: Sync

impl<S, T> Unpin for Rgb<S, T> where
    S: Unpin,
    T: Unpin

impl<S, T> UnwindSafe for Rgb<S, T> where
    S: UnwindSafe,
    T: UnwindSafe

Blanket Implementations

impl<S, D, Swp, Dwp, T> AdaptFrom<S, Swp, Dwp, T> for D where
    T: FloatComponent,
    S: IntoColorUnclamped<Xyz<Swp, T>>,
    Swp: WhitePoint,
    Dwp: WhitePoint,
    D: FromColorUnclamped<Xyz<Dwp, T>>, 

impl<S, D, Swp, Dwp, T> AdaptInto<D, Swp, Dwp, T> for S where
    T: FloatComponent,
    Swp: WhitePoint,
    Dwp: WhitePoint,
    D: AdaptFrom<S, Swp, Dwp, T>, 

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> FromColor<T> for U where
    U: FromColorUnclamped<T> + Clamp

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T, U> IntoColor<U> for T where
    U: FromColor<T>, 

impl<T, U> IntoColorUnclamped<U> for T where
    U: FromColorUnclamped<T>, 

impl<T> ToOwned for T where
    T: Clone

type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryFromColor<T> for U where
    U: FromColorUnclamped<T> + Clamp

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryIntoColor<U> for T where
    U: TryFromColor<T>, 